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COURS D’ANGLAIS 4e BIO&PEDA             


OBJECTIVE : At. the end of This lesson pupils  should be able to answer corectly question from This passage.

REFERENCE : English for african 4e pupils books. p.




I’ll ask pupils to Read their text aloudly


T. class Read the text  aloudly

P1. S Reading

P2 s Reading (see textbook)


I’ ll announce the days  lesson to pupils make It repreated and write It on the BB.And ask them to write It in There school daries.


 I Will ask pupils to Read their text silentli mean Will I put question in the BB


T : to Day we have a Reading comphension lesson on the text : Going to work.

Write the title in your school daries


T. now class Read your text silently and answer these questions on BB ;

a) where does Bola work ?

b) how does he go to correct every Day.

c) what time did he Wake up on mor they morning ?

d) what did he drink on sounday evening ?

e) was It the rainy season ?how to do you know.


I Will ask pupils to Read the question and answer them. The best answers are congretulated before coriting them on the BB


a)      BOLA  Works in a big hospital

b)       He Goes to wok my bus.c

c)        He wok up on Monday morning at. half past six.

d)      Last night he drink bur.

e)      Yes It was. Now It wet This morning , BOLA So be careful.


I Will ask pupils to Read question and answer


T. Ok class Read these question and answers