
New version in september 2024!

Learners and  parents

A platform for staying connected with your school and collaborating towards academic success.


What Schoolap does for learners and parents

Access to Resources

Schoolap provides students with easy access to assignments, exercises, and learning resources, facilitating seamless learning experiences both online and offline.

Tracking Academic Success

Schoolap enables students to track their own academic progress, including grades and results, fostering greater self-awareness of their performance.

School Communication

Schoolap enables students to stay connected with their school, receive important announcements, and communicate with their teachers, fostering active involvement in their education.

New features for September 2024

As a learners or parents, you have access to over 30 features on Schoolap. Here are the most important ones:

Access your account from anywhere, with or without internet connectivity.

Discover Schoolap, an application that seamlessly operates on computers, tablets, or phones, providing a consistent online or offline experience, ensuring access to quality education wherever you are.