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Grammar:Personal pronouns subject and object
Domaine Langue Sous domaine Langue
Section Technique Option Coupe et Couture
Discipline Anglais Classe 6ème
Matériel didactique Pupils, classroom, object Auteur SCHOOLAP.COM
Objectif opérationnel At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to form good sentence with personal pronous subjects, and objects.
Réference English1
Activité initiale

a) Recall

I will ask pupils questions about the text

a) Recall


 It is a machine that uses a needle to bind materils or cloyhes together with the thtread. It helps earm money and make their own clothes, such as : dresses, skirts, shorts, trousers, blousers, suits nad so on.

 In factories, the sewing machine helps make a lot clothes at once which are used by the workers as uniforms. Mr. Elias Howe is known as the first inventor of the sewing machine (1846).

                      They are three main kinds of sewing machines ; the sewing machine that has straight-needle which helps sew quickly and easily for a long period of time. It is earsily for decorative stitching and other attachments, such as : cording, binding. The second sewing macine that has the slant needle which is admost like the straight-needle, but has its needle slated toward the user to help him or her work more easily. The third sewing machine that has the sewing-needle which is especially used by women or men (rarely) who do much decoration and hobby sewing. It easily does Zig-Zag stitching and various decorative stithes without spacial attachments. It is even used to make wired flowers.

                    Today, the are special machines for.

Today, the are special machines for sewing shoes, boots, umbullas, and brushes.  yet, most sewing machines are electric today, through some still have foot treadles. As a matter of fact, sewing is a udeful occupation that many girls and some boys enjoy leaning for their life.

Activité principale

b) Presentation

will announce the new lesson to my learners. I will write the title on the chalk boord. I will create situation from whitch i will produce sentences containing the structure to teach. I will utter the sentence with the new structure pupils will repeat it individualy first and next in chorus. So i will write the sentence on the black board I’ll explain the new structure and I’ll do the same for all sentences.

b) Presentation

Ok class, today we have grammar lesson based on personal pronouns

T. personal pronouns are wonds we used to remplace a person on a thing. There are two kinds of then such as : personal pronoun subject and object.

E.g :

1. I ask him money

2. You are in the classroom

3. He gives me two pens

4. She sends you a book

5. It is it dog

6. You are pupils

7. We wrote her a good letter

8. TheY asked him some


I will summarized the lesson by drowing a chart containing the new strucure.

T. Class do follow carefully


Personal Prenoun




1 th2 nd3 rd P

I, You, He, She, It

1 th2 nd3 rd P

We, You, They


Me, You, He, It, Her

Us you them


I will write an exercise on the black board and i will ask pupils to do it.


P. Ok class we have an exercise

Put the wond te ween parathese in the correct form of personal prounoun

  1. (3rdp.p. sub) play football
  2. (carine) asked (john) money
  3. (Muke and laka) are studients
  4. (alain) wrote (nioka  and laka) a long  letter.




  1. They play football
  2. She asked him money
  3. They are students

He wrote them a long letter.

Note taking

I  will ask pupils to take notes

Note taking

T. Yes class do take note in your coopy books.