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Start learning
Indefinite Article from use and use
Domaine Langue Sous domaine Langue
Section Technique Option Commerciale & Gestion
Discipline Anglais Classe 6ème
Matériel didactique Craie de couleur Auteur SCHOOLAP.COM
Objectif opérationnel At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to justify the use of the indefinite article
Réference A practical English Grammar A.V Thomson and Aj Martinet –oxford +189
Activité initiale


Recalling the previous lesson, the child from the definite

2. + children … in +

A)  taken in general sense

B) In front of a month name


Justify the user or omission of the definite article

  1. Child from village where I was born in house
  2. children are suffering from flu in July


The teacher will present the subject matter

*       what is this? showing a ruler

*  what is this? showing an eraser

*      what is this? showing an arm

*        what is this? showing a disk


 It’s a ruler

It’s an eraser

It’s an arm

It’s a disk

The subject matter announcement

Today will learn an  Indefinite Article from use and use 

The subject matter announcement

Today will learn an  Indefinite Article from use and use 

Activité principale




  •  Why do you pronounce a ruler and an eraser?


I pronounce an eraser because the noun begins with a vowel sound.

I pronounce an eraser because the noun begins with a vowel sound.

I pronounce an eraser because the noun begins with a consonant sound.

What is Mr Lusangu?

Is your uncle an artist?

What do you need for the birthday cake?


Why do we put it in front of kilo and dozen?

What are looking for?

How you ever read this book?

How is it?

What in interesting book?

Do you know that woman?

Mr lusangu is a teacher

No, my uncle is an architect

For the birthday cake I need sugar (half a kilo) a dozen eggs

In front of nouns expressing measurement

 I’m looking for a pen

No, I have never read it


Yes, I know her; what’s a kind woman she is.



Pupils work in pair pupils follow the model given by the teacher

Build sentences with indefinite article then justify its use.

  • Is your brother an expert in accountant?
  • Yes, he is what an important mam he is
  • How you a watch?
  • Sorry I haven’t