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Simple future tense
Domaine Langue Sous domaine Langue
Section Technique Option Commerciale & Gestion
Discipline Anglais Classe 6ème
Matériel didactique Craie de couleur Auteur SCHOOLAP.COM
Objectif opérationnel At the end of the lesson pupils should be able what will happen inter coming time
Réference A practical English Grammar A.V Martinet Aj Thomson oxford P28-30
Activité initiale


Put the verbs in () into present perfect continuous tense

  1. I (to listen) to her for a long time
  2. We (not to keep) quiet since we arrived
  3. Pupils (to read) newspapers?


1 Have been listening to her for a long time

  1. We have not been keeping quiet
  2. Have pupils been reading newspapers?  


T. What date is it today?

T. Today is Tuesday?

T. Which day will it be tomorrow the day after tomorrow?


P. Today is 21st of November

P. Yes Today is Tuesday 

P. After today will be Wednesday

Announcing the subject matter

Today we will study Simple future tense  

Announcing the subject matter

Today we will study Simple future tense  

Activité principale


Telling something that will happen after now in the coming time.

Taking a decision now

Prediction: Forecast weather

Offering something politely

Agreeing or refusal

With expression

  1. Expect

T. what will you do after school?

T. what will the teacher do as we become negligent?

T. how is the sky this morning?

T. What do you think will happen?

T. that girls seems to be very sick what’s the matter?

T. the sun shines so strong will you drink a glass of water?

T. will the driver go with us very far from there?

T. what does your mother expect by the end of this school year?




P. we will finish this work after school

P. the teacher will punish us

P. the sky is cloudy

P.  I Think It will rain soon

P. She’s very weak I will help her

P. yes I will

P. No he will not won’t

P. she expects I will get my state diploma


STRUCTURE: S+ auxiliary verbs + main verbs

When are use simple future in speaking we often contract the subject and auxiliary verbs


the simple future tense is often called will because we make the simple future tense with the modal auxiliary will