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Possessive : Adjectives and Pronouns
Domaine Langue Sous domaine Langue
Section Scientifique Option Biologie Chimie
Discipline Anglais Classe 6ème
Matériel didactique Craie de couleur Auteur SCHOOLAP.COM
Objectif opérationnel At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to build sentence with possessive Adjectives and Pronouns.
Réference A practical English Grammar / AV Martinet AJ Thomson- oxford
Activité initiale


Replace the underlined word by an appropriate pronoun:

  1. Children are looking for their toys
  2. You and me will take the train here
  3. The man has asked for you and me
  4. The girl wants to send a message to boys


Replace the underlined word by an appropriate pronoun:

  1. Children are looking for their toys
  2. You and me will take the train here
  3. The man has asked for you and me
  4. The girl wants to send a message to boys


  1. They are looking for them
  2. We will take it here
  3. He has asked for us
  4. She wants it to them


T. What is this? (showing a bleu pen)

T. is this a pen?

T. whose pen is this?


T. What is this ?

P. It’s a bleu pen

T. Whose pen is this?

P. No, it is not a pen it’s a pencil

T. Whose pen is this ?

P. It’s my pen.

Announcing the subject Matter

What will we study today ?

Announcing the subject Matter

Today, we will study Possessive : Adjectives and Pronouns.

Activité principale


That’s a book it is foe that boy.

T. Whose book is that?

This is a desk it is for these two girls

T. whose disk is this?

T.  what is this? (showing a mobile phone)

T. Whose mobile phone is this?

This is my pen.

T. Whose pen is this?

T. is that book for you?

T. whose classroom is this?

T. Whose compound is that?


That's a book it is for that boy

T. Whose book is that ?

This is a desk, it is for these two girls 

T. Whose desk is this ?

P. It’s his book

T. What is this ( showing a mobile phone) ?

P. It's a mobile phone

This is my pen

T. Whose pen is this ?

P. This pen is mine

T. Is this book you ?

P. No, it’s not mine it’s for her (for the girl)

T. Whose classroom is this ?

P. it’s our classroom

T. Whose compound that ?

P. It’s their compound.


File the gap with an appropriate possessive word

  1. This was ----- money (for you and me); where is --- (for you)
  2. We must ask for ----- copybook; the teacher has corrected ----- (for them)
  3. Did you take -----pen (for the girl)

Possessive adjective it’s for the boy

  • For him = his book; possessive adjective are: my, your, his, her, it, our, their
  • For the two girl = their desk; the mobile phone for the girl
  • Her mobile phone; possessive pronouns are: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs
  • It is my pen; the pen is mine
  • The classroom is for us; it’s our classroom
  • This classroom is ours