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Nouns, Genders
Domaine Langue Sous domaine Langue
Section Technique Option Esthétique
Discipline Anglais Classe 6ème
Matériel didactique Craie de couleur Auteur SCHOOLAP.COM
Objectif opérationnel At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to identify then form the gender.
Réference A practical English Grammar / AV Martinet AJ Thomson- oxford p203
Activité initiale


Read the following nouns then group them preceding to their kinds: Chief, peace, noise, kalala, baby-setter, roof

T. What’s the name of your biology teacher?

T. What is she?

  • Common: Chief, roof
  • Proper: kalala
  • Abstract: peace, noise
  • Compound: baby, sister


Read the following group them preceding to their kinds: chief, place, Noice, Kalala, baby-setter, roof. T. What's the name of your biology teacher ?

The Biology teachers name is Mrs Benzene

T. What is she ?

  • Common: Chief, roof
  • Proper: kalala
  • Abstract: peace, noise
  • Compound: baby, sister

P. She is a woman.


The teacher will present the subject matter

T. Is your teacher of English a woman?

T. What do a woman and a man express?

T. What’s the gender of Mrs Banzenie? (Biology Teacher)


The teacher will present the subject matter

T. Is your teacher of English a woman ?

P. No, she is a Man.

T. What do a woman and a man express ?

P. They express the gender

T. What's the gender of Mrs Banzenie ? ( Biology Teacher).

P. She’s a woman: Feminine.


Announcing the subject Matter

What will we study today ?

Announcing the subject Matter

Today, we will study Nouns, Genders.

Activité principale


T. What’s the gender of the teacher of English

T. What does a chair Represent?

T. What its gender?

T. What’s the gender of these nouns: parent, cousin, Painter, driver, judge

T. Find the gender of those nouns then the opposite gender: Uncle, brother, and gentleman

T. What’s the feminine Form of actor, waiter, negro?


T. What's the gender of the teacher of English ?

P. It’s Masculine

T. What does a chair represent ?

P. It’s Represents a thing

T. What it is gender ?

P. It’s neuter

T. What’s the gender of these nouns: parent, cousin, Painter, driver, judge.

P. They do not change; they have the same form

T. Find the gender of these nouns then the opposite gender : Uncle, brother ans gentleman.

P. Uncle-aunt; brother; sister; gentleman, lady

T. What's the feminine form of actor, waiter,  negro ?

P. Actor-actress, waiter-waitress, Negro-Negress.

  • A woman is feminine
  • A man is Masculine
  • A thing / object is neuter
  • Most nouns have the same form on masculine and feminine they are invariable
  • Some nouns
  • Have a different form in feminine

Uncle – aunt;

Brother – sister

  • Some nouns add “ess” to the masculine form or drop “O” before adding “ess”

Nouns: B. Gender

There are methods of forming the feminine from masculine

  1. Masculine: men, boys and male animals
  2. Feminine: women, girls and feminine animals
  3. Neuter: Inanimate things, animals


Most nouns have the same form in feminine cousin-cousin, driver-driver, child-child.


  • Pupils work in Small groups

They find five  nouns for each group they identify (masculine) them find the opposite gender (feminine)

Baby-baby, Cook-Cook, Judge-judge

  • Some nouns have different form Eg: Brother- Sister, Man-Woman, Boy-girl, Wife-husband, uncle-aunt, nephew-niece
  • Some nouns form their feminine by adding “ess” to the masculine form or drop “O”/” e” before adding “ess” Eg: Negro-negress, actor-actress, jew-jewess, lion-lioness, tiger-tigress, prince- princess


Find five nouns:

  • Identify them (masculine, feminine or neuter)
  • Right the opposite gender

I.e. Masculine-feminine

1 Invariable

2 Different form

3 Adding “ess”



Gender: a division of nouns and pronouns (and sometimes of other parts of Speech)

Such as masculine feminine / Neuter or animal in animal

Identification as male masculine