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TAG Questions A. Affirmative
Domaine Langue Sous domaine Langue
Section Scientifique Option Math-Physique
Discipline Anglais Classe 6ème
Matériel didactique Craie de couleur Auteur SCHOOLAP.COM
Objectif opérationnel At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to ask a tag – Question.
Réference A practical English Grammar / AV Martinet AJ Thomson- oxford p208
Activité initiale

Ask with and yes/no question from the sentence

  1. The girl takes the pen from the desk at night
  2. My copybook is here


Recalling the preceding lesson

Ask with and yes/no question from the sentence

  1. The girl takes the pen from the desk at night
  2. My copybook is here


  1. Who takes the …?
  2. What does The girl take …?
  3. Where does the girl take the …?
  4. When does …?
  5. Does the Girl take …?


  1. What is here?
  2. Whose copybook is Here?
  3. Is my copybook?


The boy was sick last weak

T. Replace the subject by a personal pronoun

T. Is the sentence affirmative or negative?

T. Turn the sentence in negative form

T. Ask a Question expressing a confirmation from this sentence


 The boy is sick last weak.

 Replace the subject by a personal pronoun.

P. He was sick last week.

T. Is the sentence affirmative or negative ?

P. It’s affirmative

T. Turn the sentence in negative form 

P. The boy was not sick last weak

T. Ask a question expressing a confirmation from this sentence 

P. the boy was sick last week wasn’t he?

The subject matter announcement

What will we study today ?

The subject matter announcement

Today, we will study TAG Questions A. Affirmative.

Activité principale


Your friends are ready

T. Ask the tag Question

Her mother has a flu

T. Ask the tag Question

Father left in hurry

T. Ask the tag Question

The Chair is falling down

T. Ask the tag question


P. Your Friends Are Ready, aren’t they?

TO BE:  Aren’t / isn’t / wasn’t / weren’t

T. Ask the tag question : " Her mother has a flu."

P. Her Mother Has flu, haven’t she?

TO HAVE: Haven’t/Hasn’t/ Hadn’t

T. Ask the tag question : " Father left on hurry".

P. Father left in a hurry didn’t he?

OTHER VERBS:  Don’t / Doesn’t / Didn’t

T. Ask the tag question : " The chair is falling down" 

P. The chair Is falling Down Isn’t it?

VERB PHRASES They all use auxiliaries

Question Asked for a confirmation or agreement

The subject if tag question is always a pronoun

Negative tag is used after affirmative statement

Affirmative tag is used after negative statement

Pupils will Work in workshop groups they build sentence then turn them in tag questions one sentence from each case.

  • Question Asked for a confirmation or agreement
  • The subject if tag question is always a pronoun
  • Negative tag is used after affirmative statement
  • Affirmative tag is used after negative statement

Pupils will Work in workshop groups they build sentence then turn them in tag questions one sentence from each case


  1. Your car breaks down doesn’t it?
  2. Her Brother is there, isn’t he?
  3. Children Have a rest, haven’t they?
  4. Men can do this work, can’t they?