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Domaine Langue Sous domaine Langue
Section Technique Option Commerciale & Gestion
Discipline Anglais Classe 6ème
Matériel didactique Craie de couleur Auteur SCHOOLAP.COM
Objectif opérationnel At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to Distinguish Diphthongs
Réference A practical English Grammar / AV Martinet AJ Thomson- oxford p202
Activité initiale


Turn the verbs in () into the suitable present continuous tense

  • The boy (to shake) the mango tree branches
  • All boys and girls (not to listen) to him carefully
  • I (to take) much time


Turn the verbs in () into the suitable present continuous tense

  • The boy (to shake) the mango tree branches
  • All boys and girls (not to listen) to him carefully
  • I (to take) much time


  • The boy is shaking …
  • All boys and girls are not listening …
  • I am taking much time

The teacher will read these two words then will ask pupils to repeat.



Tailor announce
T. What’s the vowel sound in these two words?

T. Isn’t there another sound in the word tailor? Which sound is it?


The vowel sound of the words : Tailor ;announce is :

Tailor [a] announce [a]

P.Another sound in the word Tailor is the sound [ei].

The subject matter an announcement

what will  we study today ?

The subject matter an announcement

Today, we will study Diphthongs.

Activité principale


Tailor [ei]

T. It’s the sound [ei] find two words which has the same sound

T. Which sound is in the words announce?

T. Find word with the sound

T. Which sound is in these words?

T. Find other words having the same sound

T. Indicate the sound in these words

T. Find other words having the same sound

T. find another words with the same sound

T. Indicate the sound in these words

T. Find others words with the same sound

T. which sound is in these words?

T. Find others words

T. Which sound is in these words


T. It’s the sound [ei] find two words which has the same sound

P. same, mail, take, wait;

T: Find word with the sound 

P. It’s the sound [au];

T: Wich sound is in these words ?

P. now, how, town, out, shout, clear, dear;

T: Find other words having the same sound 

P. It’s the sound [ia];

T : Indicate the sound in these words

P. Tear, beer, here, go, know, blow
P. It’s the Diphthong [ou]

T: Find other words having the same sound

P. Show, grow, snow, nine, white, shine

T: Find other words with the same sound 

P. kind, bite, night, right, mine, sure, pure

T: Indicate the sound in this words

P. It’s the sound [ua]

T: Find other words with the same sound 

P. choice, noise, oil

T: Wich sound is in these words ?

P. It’s the sound [ci];

T: Find other words

P. Boil, spoil, soil, eosin, poison, pair, hair, there, car

T: Wich sound is in these words ?

P. It’s the sound [ea].


Find some words (5) having those sounds: 1[ai], 2. [ei], 3. [ei]

  1. [ e I]
  2. [au]
  3. [ia]
  4. [ou]
  5. [ai]
  6. [ua]
  7. [ci]
  8. [ea]

Pupils work in groups to find words having the given sounds