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6th Forms
Domaine Langue Sous domaine Langue
Section Littéraire Option Latin Philo
Discipline Anglais Classe 6ème
Matériel didactique Craie de couleur Auteur SCHOOLAP.COM
Objectif opérationnel At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to Find nouns with Suffixes.
Réference A practical English Grammar / AV Martinet AJ Thomson- oxford p202
Activité initiale


Put the following nouns in plural

1 Guy                                     4 Branch

2 Greeting                             5 Victory

3 mechanise                           6 valley


Put the following nouns in plural


1 Guy                                     4 Branch

2 Greeting                             5 Victory

3 mechanise                           6 valley


1 Guys                                     4 Branches

2 Greetings                            5 Victories

3 mechanise                           6 valleys


T. What did the teacher tell you last time?

T. Did the teacher fervid the use of the dictionary during the lesson?

T. How do you judge this pupils?


T. What did the teacher tell you last time?

T. Did the teacher fervid the use of the dictionary during the lesson?

T. How do you judge this pupils?


P. The teacher told us not to use our dictionary during the lesson

P. No, he did not  

P. He misunderstood the teacher

The subject matter an announcement

Today we will study 6th Forms 

The subject matter an announcement

Today, we will study 6th Forms 

Activité principale


T. What’s a prefix?

T. Your mother had an accident do you know that?

T. What’s added to the word believable?

T. What does this prefix “un” mean?

T. Is it possible to meet the president now?

T. Find some words with the prefix “inter”

T. How do we call the part of the word at the end of it?

T. Find word with the sufix “er”

T. What do these nouns express?


P. A prefix is one or more letters or syllables combined or united with the beginning of a word to modify its signification

P. No, that’s unbelievable! My mother had not an accident. 

P. We added the prefix “un” to believable.

P. The prefix "un" means not beyond

P. It is impossible to meet the president now.

P. Some words with prefix "inter" : International, intercommunity, interaction

P. The part of the word at the end is called a suffix.

P. Some words with suffix " er", there are:  Writer, teacher, seer, driver

P. Nouns express are jobs. 


Find words with the prefix “im” “um”

Find words with the prefix “im” “un”, "inter"..


Un = Not belong


International, Intercommunity, interaction