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Asking a What Question
Domaine Langue Sous domaine Langue
Section Littéraire Option Latin Philo
Discipline Anglais Classe 6ème
Matériel didactique Craie de couleur Auteur SCHOOLAP.COM
Objectif opérationnel At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to Ask a what Question.
Réference Drawing
Activité initiale


Ask yes/no question

Is the door open?  

Did all the teacher see me?

Did the boy meet …?

Will pupils change …?


Ask yes/no question

  1. The door is open
  2. All teachers saw me
  3. The boy meets the chairman
  4. Pupils will change the date.


1. Is the door open?  

2. Did all the teacher see me?

3. Did the boy meet …?

4. Will pupils change …?


T. The man works at that firm.

What are the sentence element in the sentence?

T. Which question will we ask to know the subject?

T. Ask the question to find the subject in the sentence


T: The man works at the firm.

What are the sentence element in the sentence ?

P. The subject, object and place

T: Which question will we ask to the subject ?

P. We ask the question “who”

T: Ask the question to Find the subject in the sentence. 

P. Who works at that firm?

Announcing the subject matter

What will we study today ?

Announcing the subject matter

Today, we will study Asking a  What Question.

Activité principale


The woman is sweeping the room now

T. What are the underlined words in the sentence?

The car Goes to the beach slowly every day

T. Ask What questions from the sentence

T. Ask What Question from the sentence


The woman is sweeping the room now

T. What are the underlined words in the sentence

P1. The woman is the subject; the room is the object and Now is Adverb/place

  •  Who is sweeping the room now?
  •  What is the woman sweeping Now?
  •  What is the woman sweeping the room?

P2. What goes to the beach slowly every day?

  •  Where goes the car go slowly every day?
  • How goes the car go to the beach every day?
  •  When Does the car go to the beach slowly?

P3. Who buys this book here?

  • What does the girl buy here?
  •  Where does the girl buy this book?
  • Which book does the girl buy here?

Subject: Who? (person), What (things)

Object: What …?

Time: When …?

Where …? (place)

Manner: How …?


Subject: Who? (person), What (things)

Object: What …?

Time: When …?

Where …? (place)

Manner: How …?