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Grammar: Plural of Nouns (s, ies, oes,...)
Matériel didactique : Pupils, pens, capybooks
Objectif opérationnel : At the end of this lesson, pupils will be capable to put a nouns in plural.

a) Rewier

I will ask pupils to make good sentences with common nouns or proper nouns.

a) Rewier

T. OK. Class make some corect sentences using common or proper nouns.

P1. Our teacher is Okito.

P2. Maka writes a latter.

P3. The father comes to  school

b) Presentation

I will annonce the new lesson to pupils and I’ ll write the title o the chalkboard and I have to underline the title.

Next I will use the new subject in a good context.

I will present the nouns in singular and I will

Transform it in plural.

b) Presentation

T : class today we have grammar lesson based on plural of nouns.

T : generally speaking, we form the plural f nouns by adding s in the singilar.

Eg : singular                plural

      -pen                        pens

      -teacher                 teachers

      -pupils                   pupils

      -boy                       boys.


T : 1class, words or nouns ending with : ch, sh, s, ss x z.

Form the plural with es

Eg : -bush= bushs, box= boxes

        -bus=buses, class= classes

Exception : monarch= monarchs

Epoch= epochs, stomach= stomachs

2.words eding with O form the plural es.

Eg : negro=negroes, mango= mangoes


Exception : radio=radios, studio= studios, cuckoo=cukoos.

3.Words ending with y preceded by a cosonant, the y should first change into i before taking es.

Eg : country= couties

Lady= ladies, fly= flies.

Stydy= stydies.

Exception :

Play= plays,

day= days,


c) Production

I will ask learners to make sentences in which the words are in plural so good senteces will be written on board by the producer.

c) Production

T. Now class form sentences in which the words of the nouns must be in plural

P1. Pupils are in the classroom

P2. Mothers went to chuches

P3. The teachers are teaching learners.

P4. He gave william potatoies.

P5. Nigeria and RDC are countries.

I will ask pupils some questions to see If they have understood the materials taught. Question auswers technique will be use here.

T. So pupils how to form plural of nouns in general ?

P1. We form the plural of nouns by adding s in singular.

T. Words ending with y, how are they foriming the plural ?

P2. If they is preceding by a consontint, the y must change into i bifone having es.


Pupils will have an exercise to solve then I will askethem to the singular sentences into plural one.


T. class, return the following sentences into plural If necessary.


1.My clothe is new.

2.A pupil take note.

3.Put the capybook in the bag.

4.The mothe cooks potato.

5.The desk is outside.


1.My clothes are new.

2.The pupils take notes.

3.Put the copybooks in the bags.

4.The mothers cook potatoes.

5The desks are outside.

Note taking

I will ask pupils to take note in their copybooks.

Note taking

T. Pupils take your copybooks and take note.