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Text n°1: The sewing Machine. Grammar: Definite article
Matériel didactique : Pupils, classroom, object
Objectif opérationnel : at the end of this lesson, my pupils will be able to form crrect sentence with definite article


I will ask pupils to make good sentence with indefinite article


T. class form good sentence with indefinite article.

P1. A pupil speak kikongo

P2. An elephant is in A feeld

P3. A teacher teachs english well


i will annonce the new lesson to pupils, i will write the title on the board and underline it

Next, i'll create context in the new structure will be using

in a good sentences i will ask pupils to read the sentence one ofter on other. i have to underline it with the colour chalk. i will explain clearly this structure to make learners unders tarnd


T. ok, class taday we have crammar lesson based on: definite article( the)=le, la, les,l'

T. definition: definite article is a word we use before a noun referring tosome one or some thing  wchich is clearly identi fied

by the speakr

T: 1. The pupils are taking in the classroom

2. The mother gives us the food

3. The uncle is the nerse

4. The the pen is not mine

5. The cloths are new

6. The exercise curse lasy


I will ask my learners to form their own sentence with the new structure learn


T. pupils form good sentece with the definite article the

P1. The father came late

P2. The orange is in the bag

P3. The spaeker want to see him

I will sum up the new lesson by asking pupils some questions to see their understanding.

T. pupils, where are the articles in the sentence? 1. the bag is on the desk

P1. the articles are: the

T. ok, class, the as definite is using before a noun it is use with preccision before a consonnant vowel sounds.


I will give pupils an oral exercise they have to form good sentence with the definite article the



T. class we have on orale exrcise


instruction: form good sentence us the definite article the

P1. the book is on the table

P2. father wonks at the haspita

P3. the coumpound is silling

P4. the xhildren rae in the school 

Note taking

I will tell pupils to take notes

Note taking

T. yes class take notes