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Execrcise based on personal pronouns subject and object
Matériel didactique : Gestures
Objectif opérationnel : At the of lesson my pupils will be able to use the personal pronouns in a sentence

I will ask pupils to make  good sentence using wh-question

T. pupils form good sentence with wh-question

P1. where is your father?

P2. who are you?

P3. whe did she come?


I will announce the new lesson in the class and the title will be written on the board. i will write the exercise on the board and i will solve the two first number and the remain number will be solve by pupils

them selves. i will give them the instruction


T. ok class today we have exercise on the personal pronouns

instruction: Replace the nous betwe en paratheses by a personal prenouns subject and object

1. ( carine) has ask the father to give( paul) money

2. ( teachers) are coming to school

3. ( john) is writting (pupils)  a letter

4. ( mother and father) went to church

5. ( the capy book is on ( the table

6. ( Henry) gave ( the book) to john

I will writte an other exercise so pupils will be ask to do it as they did with the first one

T. class we have an other exercise 

instruction: underline the personal pronouns object and subject in the following sentences

1. I usually up the early on monday

2. He loued her possimately

3. They stayed quictly, there

4. we are asking the teacher to send us his questions

5. you must give me a present