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Nouns : Kinds
Matériel didactique : Craie de couleur
Objectif opérationnel : At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to name and make the difference between nouns.


The teacher will warm up his class

T. where did you study last year?

T. In which class were you last year?

T. what is the name of your school?


The teacher will warm up is class

T. Where did you study last year ?

T. In which class we you last year ?

P. I studied at malula school

T. What is the name of your school ?

P. I was in 5th form last year 

T. What's the name of your school ?

P. the name of my school It’s ECAM



Teacher will present the subject matter

T. What’s your name?

T.  What’s ECAM?

T. What’s this (showing a desk)

T. What does Ekondo indicate name prefer



Teacher will present the subject matter

T. What's your name ?

P. My name is Ekondo

T. What's ECAM ?

P. ECAM  It’s the name of my school

T. What's this ? (Showing a desk)

P. It’s a desk


Announcing the subject matter 

What will we study today ?

Announcing the subject matter

Today, we will study Nouns : Kinds.


Father leaves home early morning

T. What’s father in the sentence?

T. What does father refer to in the sentence?

T. Do all nouns name only persons?

T. Make the different between Ekondo and Father?

T. The police is being organized by the president

T. There is much noise in the room what does noise indicate?

T. How do we call a word which name a quality, action or state of a noun

T. What do kalengay and lukal stand for or name?

T. How do we call the nouns which name particular persons, places?



Father leaves home early

T. What's father in the sentence ?

P. Father is a noun in the sentence

T. What does father refer to in the sentence ?

P. It refers to a person

T. Do all nouns name only persons ?

P. No, they can name animals, ideas or things

T. Make the different between Ekondo and Father ?

P. Ekondo is a proper noun; but father is common noun

T. The police is being organised by the president 

P. The police is a collective noun the president name is a person

P. It indicate what we can’t touch, smell, see or taste

T. How do we call a word which name a quality, action or state of a noun

P. It’s called an abstract noun

T. What do Kalengay and Lukal stand for or name ?

P. They name particular persons or places

T. How do we call the nouns which name particular persons, places ?

P. they are called proper nouns.


Definition: a noun is a word used to name a person, place, things or idea

Eg: Answer town Kenya seat


Nouns can be derived into more classes

A noun is word used to people, animals, objects, substances, states events

Nouns can be classified into different categories: Common, proper, abstract, collective, countable, uncountable

Common Nouns: they are given to a group of similar things or persons

Collective Nouns are particular name given to the collection of persons’ things taken together.