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Text n°2: The main changes in wome's Fashion
Matériel didactique : Text
Objectif opérationnel : At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to read a selact passage correctly.


I will ask pupils to make good sentence with the new wons


T: Class form good sentence with these words: women, Dress and Child

P1. Women are working

P2. She gave me two dresses 

P3. How many child have you got?




               There was probably no other period in the history of female fashion as dramatic es the firs three decades of the 20th century. Up to world war1, wemen used to wear dress like ones i the picture above. The, in the 1920 s, came the flapper’ look, which was siiliar to many modern fashion dessigns. We asked Stephanie Reno and Fabiola Heller to tell us about those days.

              Staphanie Reno (96) : when I was a child, women used to wear those tigth corsets to give themselves a smaller waist. And then, one day, my older sister just threw away all her corsets. She was following the fashion of the day and she started wearing simple, loose dress. She would even wear shorts ! she would put on make-up, go to parties, smoke and.  May monther thought she had gone wild !

             Fabiola Heller (95) : clothes used to be terrible in the old days that is, before the twenties. My monther didn’t use to wear trousers at all. My granny would always put one this horrible huge hat, decorated with flowers and feathers. She never went out without it. and then, all of a sudden, everything changed. I remember my sisters were very sporty girl-they went swimming and cycling and they would wear trousers all the time. They needed comfortable clothes.

              The person who had the greatest influence on the style of the 1920 s was Coco chanel, the most famous fashion designer of the 20th century. She cut her hair short and wore trousers sot hey become trendy in women’ fashion. Back in the 1920 s, she introduced the cardigan, the little back dress, chanel N°5perfume and many fashion items that are still popular today.

I will announce my lesson to pupils and write the title on the black board it showel be undersine

I will limite the passage in which, i'll deal with. I will tell my pupils a brief story about the text

I will read meaning th text twice with good intonation and pronouciation

T: class today we have reading aloud lesson based on the text: THE MAIN CHANGES IN THE WOMEN'S FASHION

T: Ok class this text is about


I will read meaning full sentences and making pupils repeated individually first after in chorus

I will ask pupils to read the passage one after another while doing so, i will write on the board


T: ok now class read the text one after another





I will ask some pupils to read the mispnonounced words produce by pupils 

T: pupils find the correcty pronounciation of these words





I will ask my pupils to read the passage as the weak pupils will read someb parts only

Now pupils read the all paragraph



I will ask my pupils to read correctly the passage

T: Ok now class read the text correctly




