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Grammar: Modal auxiliairies : Ca,/could; May/Migh; Mist
Matériel didactique : Pupils, classroom, object
Objectif opérationnel : At the end of this lesson, pupils will be to use the modal auxialy in then speech.


I will ask pupils to make good sentences in present continouns tense


T. From good sentences with the present continouns tense.

P1. They are going to church.

P2. Teachers are coming there.

P3. Shes is cooking food


I will annonce the new lesson to may pupils and write the title on the board and underline it


I will create context from which I will produce sentences with the new



Iterm. I will explain clearly the new structure in the sentences to help dearners unders tand its


T. class today we have grammar lesson based on the modal auxiliaries verbs.

Defition : Modal auxialiares are the verbs such a : can, could, shall/ should, will/ would, may, might… they are all use to.



Help the ordinary verb to be conjugate. They have no infinitive (to) and they don’t have S in the third person singular.

  1. You must(Modal) cook(ord) rice today
  2. They can(Modal) speak (ord) English will
  3. I can(Modal) come(ord) on food today
  4. She will(Modal) give(ord) you money

We shall(Modal)   take(ord)   notes on monday


I will ask pupils to from their own sentences using the new structure as the teacher’s model


T. class from your own sentences as the teacher’s model with the new structure.

P1. I will send you message;

P2. She may give you a pen;

P3. We must sew this clothe;

P4. Pupils might strudy well here.


I will sum up the lesson by asking pupils somes questions


T. OK class

Q1. Is may an auxiliary verb ?

Answer : Yes, it is

Q2. What is the pass of will

Answer : it is would

Q3. What are the modal auxiliaries verbs we use to from the Future temes

Answer : will and shall.


I will give pupils an oral exercise they  will do it them-selves


T : Ok class, you have an oral exercise. So, form correct sentences with the modal auxiliaries verbs such as : must, may, can, will, shall, could.

T. Answers depend on pupils.

Notes taking

I will ask pupils to take their copy books and take notes

Notes Taking

T. OK class, do take notes in your copy books.