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Present perfect Tense


  1. Their form master is speaking
  2. Is it raining …?
  3. They are building
  4. I am looking for …


P. the teacher always asks this girl to clean the board

P. No, she is not cleaning the board now

P. I can’t clean the board sir, it’s already cleaned

P. the same pupils has cleaned the board


T. Which course had you before English?

T. is the French teacher still in your classroom?

T. has the secretary opened his office yet?

T. have you ever travelled by plane?

Present Perfect Tense

  1. Form: S+ Have /Has + Past participle

Eg: She has talked to us for a long time

Has he been so tired?

To the past participle in regular verbs has exactly the same form as the simple past tense

  1. In irregular verbs the past participle varies
  2. The negative is formed by adding “not” to the auxiliary.
  3.  The interrogation is formed by inverting the auxiliary and subject

An action with took place in the past, the time is not mentioned

S + Have/Has + Past part

Time markers

Just: immediately before speaking

Already: Some time before

Ever: at any time

Pupils work in group to prepare the dialogue

Turn the verbs in () into present continuous tense

Their form master (to speech) to them kindly

It (to rain) in limete now?

They (to build) Kinshasa road

It (to look) for some money

Today we will study Present perfect Tense

P. We had French before English

P. No, he is not; he has just left

P. No, he has not opened his office yet

P. No, I have never travelled by plane

The present perfect is used to express:

A recently completed action just, you have just asked me this pen.

Past action where time is not given or not definite, I have given instructions

It can be with time markers, before, just, already, yet, so for…


Think of a dialogue between a child and his father

  • Have you already done your homework?
  • Yes I have just finished it