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Grammar: Nouns (Proper, Common, Abstrait)
Matériel didactique : gestures
Objectif opérationnel : At the end of This lessons, pupils will be able to distinct kinds of nouns and how to use it.


I will make dearners intress in english and asked them some questions


T. what is your name ?

    where are you living ?

    where are we now ?



P1. My name is okito.

P2. I live at laba.

P3. Wi are in the classroom


I will annonce the subject matter and I’ll write its tille on the chalkoard.


I have to create situation from which I will use the new matemanls in a good


Sentence, I will produce ike this up to the end of this step.


T. OK. Class today we have grammar lesson based on nouns : proper, commen….

T. There are two kinds of nouns such as common and proper nouns.

1.common nouns are those use for everybody on everything. Eg : Father, mother, children, rice music, course...

Common nouns are divided into two groups : -countable : this kind of nouns is easily count as : mother, parents, note. – un countable : this is the noun is which we cannot count as rice, tea and music.

2. Proper nouns are those use only to simeone or something is they are different to countable one. Eg : christiana, Vince, Kikwit, Idiofa.


I will ask my pupils to make their own sentences using common and proper nouns in. The good sentences will be written  on the chalkboard.


P1. Werrason is a good singer.

P2. The father gave my two pens.

P3. A copybook is on the table.

P4. She cooks rice.

P5. Children sing a good song.

I will sum up the lesson by showing pupils different kinds of division.

T. Ok class, look how the nouns can be classified

I will give my pupils an exercise then they have to doit.


I will write nouns in desoder they will only put it in onder and kind of them

T. Yes class put the following nouns in order as we learn : common, propre, countable, uncount…

T. Here are nouns : father, Tuesday, copybook,milk, kisangani, john,fanily, dizzy, legs, constipation, cough.


Common : father, copybook, milk, family, children, classes, legs, dizzy, cough.

Countable : father children ; classes,legs, cough, dizzy, family, constipation.

-uncoutable : milk,

Proper : Tuesday, kisangani, john,

I will aks pupils to take note in thein capubooks.

T. Pupils take your copybooks and copydown these notes.