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Practice 1


Sylvia: Excuse me, do you mind if i sit down ?

Bob : No, let me move my bag.

Sylvia : Thanks. By the way, do you live in the dorm ? I think i’ve seen you there.

Bob  : Yes, i just moved in last week.

Sylvia : i live in the dorm too.

Bob  : Oh, really ? So you like it ?

Sylvia : Yeah, it’s okay. It takes me about 5 minutes to get to my first class in the morning.

Bob  : I’m not so lucky. My first class is on the other side of the University. But i’ve got a bicycle. So it doesn’t take too long

Sylvia : i’ve got a bike too. But i haven’t needed it this semester.

Bob  : Well, this is my stop coming up. By the way, my name is Bob.

Sylvia : Hi Bob, i’m Sylvia

Bob  : Nice meeting you, Sylvia. I ‘ll probably see you around.

Sylvia : Okay. Bye, Bob.