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Adversary conjunctions


Conjunctions which are used to express a contrast between two sentences are known as adversary conjunctions.

Ex: And     or

     But     also,

     For,    either,

     or,    Nor,

     neither, nor.

Examples of sentences with adverse conjunctions are the following:

  • We wanted to travel but the pandemic got in the way.
  • I have money, but I would not want to spend it.
  • The experiment was successful, although the results were different than expected.
  • Although you have no siblings, your family is quite large.
  • Writing is difficult Nevertheless we do it daily.
  • Ana doesn’t live in the city, and Nevertheless work on it.
  • They approved the budget, despite from the criticisms we made.
  • We do not buy alfalfa, otherwise curly lettuce.
  • Jesus was not the one who broke the sale, otherwise Manuel.
  • I did everything on my list except clean the kitchen.
  • I bought you what you asked me for, less in-line skates.
  • The soldiers came home except Ramirez.