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The simple present tense


Rule: Subject + verb (- to) + Object

e.g.: We come to school.


For the verb "to be", we do not say I be, but I am, you are, he is, she is, it is, we are, you are, they are.

How to form the simple present

In the simple present, most regular verbs use the root form, except in the third-person singular (which ends in s).

First-person singular: write.

Second-person singular: You write.

Third-person singular: He/she/it writes. (Note the s.)

First-person plural: We write.

Second-person plural: You write.

Third-person plural: They write.

For a few verbs, the third-person singular ends with es instead of s. Typically, these are verbs whose root form ends in ochshthssgh, or z.

First-person singular: go.

Second-person singular: You go.

Third-person singular: He/she/it goes. (Note the es.)

First-person plural: We go.

Second-person plural: You go.

Third-person plural: They go.

For most regular verbs, you put the negation of the verb before the verb, e.g., “She won’t go” or “I don’t smell anything.”

The verb to be is irregular:

First-person singular: am.

Second-person singular: You are.

Third-person singular: He/she/it is.

First-person plural: We are.

Second-person plural: You are.

Third-person plural: They are.