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Adversary conjunctions


Conjunctions which are used to express a contrast between two sentences are known as adversary conjunctions.

Ex: And     or

     But     also,

     For,    either,

     or,    Nor,

     neither, nor.

What are adversative conjunctions?

In grammar and syntax, a class of coordinating conjunctions is called adversative conjunctions or adversative links, that is, those that link two or more elements, words or sentences in a non-hierarchical and interchangeable way; but unlike other coordinating conjunctions, adversative introduce a relationship of opposition or contradiction between the linked terms.

In other words, when we use an adversative conjunction, we are posing a contradiction between the linked elements. According to the type of annoyance, we talk about:

  • Exclusive Adverse Conjunctions: The annoyance is total, that is to say that one element prevents the realization of the other
  • Restrictive Adverse Conjunctions: The contradiction is partial, since one element only opposes the other.

In this way, the main adversarial links are “but”, “more”, “however”, “although”, “but”, “nevertheless” and “but” (in disuse). It is also possible to use with the same value and meaning certain turns of language such as “with everything”, “rather”, “except”, “saved”, “despite” and “less”. And it is very common that, when using these types of words, they must be preceded by a pause, whether it is represented by a comma, or not.

Examples of sentences with adverse conjunctions are the following:

  • We wanted to travel but the pandemic got in the way.
  • I have money, but I would not want to spend it.
  • The experiment was successful, although the results were different than expected.
  • Although you have no siblings, your family is quite large.
  • Writing is difficult Nevertheless we do it daily.
  • Ana doesn’t live in the city, and Nevertheless work on it.
  • They approved the budget, despite from the criticisms we made.
  • We do not buy alfalfa, otherwise curly lettuce.
  • Jesus was not the one who broke the sale, otherwise Manuel.
  • I did everything on my list except clean the kitchen.
  • I bought you what you asked me for, less in-line skates.
  • The soldiers came home except Ramirez.